Learn a little about Katelynn

I'm a sinner just trying to be His light! I love Jesus & I'm addicted to grace! Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.
xoxoxox Katelynn

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Be that flower growing in the rain!

                     I’m about to go a little old school and play a little imagination comparison game, so hang with me it will make sense in the end.  I like to picture our relationship with Christ like this, pretend that Christians are flowers, God is rain and sin and Satan are the drought. Flowers need water to grow, in order for them to be healthy and beautiful. The flower goes a day without water and it believes it’s okay, but without rain the flower slowly begins to wither, whether it’s visible or not. The effects of the drought start to creep in before the flower even sees it coming. And before too long the drought starts to consume the flower.  The flower is withering away and desperate for rain!

          For a long time I believed that Christian believers could be at a standstill with Christ, by standstill I mean not growing in their faith, but not necessarily getting worse. In my mind I thought people could go through a rough patch, and during that rough patch they weren’t losing sight of Christ they were just holding on. But it doesn’t work that way. They were the flower going without rain, and without Jesus they were slowly opening the door for the drought to creep in. So in other words you can’t be at a standstill with Christ, because if you aren’t getting rain your flower will wither. That reminds of the verse from Revelation 3:16 that says,
 “So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” 
God doesn’t want you to be lukewarm, at a standstill or a flower going without rain. You have to be on fire for the Lord, you have to growing in your faith because otherwise we are allowing the drought to creep in, we are allowing Satan to take ahold of our weakness and pull us down.

         I was wrong. You cannot be at a standstill with Christ it just simply doesn't work that way. You can’t be lukewarm, you need to be filled with rain so you flower can grow in the faith! Filling yourself with the knowledge and wisdom of the word, communicating with the Lord and totally submerging yourself in the love of God.

Be that flower growing in the rain!


xoxoxoxoxoxox Katelynn 

(Sorry its been so long!  Ive been spending time filling myself with knowledge and wisdom of the word, communicating with the Lord and really EMBRACING His love!)

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