Learn a little about Katelynn

I'm a sinner just trying to be His light! I love Jesus & I'm addicted to grace! Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.
xoxoxox Katelynn

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Battle field. This is War!

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

I picture life as a battle between Satan and God. I picture Satan doing everything he can to win over Gods people. I think he surrounds us with negativity, waiting for the moment when we CRACK! That crack is the perfect moment for Satan to fill in with sin.

Have you ever been surrounded by a friend or people that you know are bad for you? After awhile do you catch yourself talking and acting just like them? Or maybe you get annoyed with the gossip but its a constant struggle to maintain a pure heart! ...That’s because the people you hang out with, have an impact on you. The gossip, hurtful words, dirty music, social media and raunchy clothing all start to take over your mind and life. Your thoughts are filled with useless junk that becomes addicting. Wake up call… this is Satan! This is probably the most common struggle! (I’m in the same boat)  Satan uses these people to get to us; he messes with us, and takes us off our path! Smirking is contentment Satan laughs at our weaknesses.

REMOVE THESE PEOPLE AND THINGS FROM YOUR LIFE! Don’t let Satan win this battle. The best protection we have, the only chance of surviving this battle is to have a durable shield of protection, right? God can provide that protection. He tells is in James 4;7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

You can do it ladies. Fight the battle and stay strong, God is by your side.



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