Learn a little about Katelynn

I'm a sinner just trying to be His light! I love Jesus & I'm addicted to grace! Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.
xoxoxox Katelynn

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I was in the middle of a dream about my history test when all of the sudden at 6:00 a.m my alarm went off, “Oh happy day, happy day you’ve washed my sins away!” these where the lyrics I woke to that early morning.  It was time for me to get up and hurry along to school so I wouldn’t be late for workout. I had been up late the night before studying for my college and high school credit class, which I had a big test in the next day. I had spent the previous 3 nights studying for this test and not to mention the stress level was at its max. I was juggling dance practice, cross country practice, school work and my life was SO busy all I wanted to do was…well, sleep. But I had no choice, so I crawled out of bed. I woke up early so I could study for an extra 10 minutes before I left for workout, which I had to be at by 6:30 a.m and be showered and ready to take my exam at 7:20 a.m. I had an eventful morning ahead to say the least and I was EXTREMELY stressed. I hoped into my car, which I was expecting to be silent because without hooking my phone up it doesn’t play music but much to my surprise the radio was on. The second I turned my car on and the song “Stronger” by Mandisa had just started. I was in shock, there was NO way that I had turned my radio on. I pulled out of my drive way and all the way to school I was in shock, it was a total God thing, he was in my life reminding me that he’s there for me. The lyrics to the song where so comforting. When I arrived at school I took a moment to thank God for reminding me of his love and comfort in a prayer. When I got out of my car I was no longer stressed or worried, I had casted all my nerves upon the Lord and he promised to watch over me.  My day went well from then on and I even made a 92 on my test.

What’s most important in your life? School activities, family, friends, boys, God or your cell phone? Most typical teens would say one of those things listed. But what is actually most important to you? How can you determine what you value the most? Well, the answers simple, it’s what you spend the most time doing or thinking about. If you’re anything like me your daily life consist of many different activities, so your mind is constantly thinking about what has to be done next. In our busy lives sometimes we forget to leave time for the one that matters most, God. Doing a devotional, reading the word and talking to God daily takes a lot of discipline especially as a teenager, we tend to get wrapped up in our own lives that we leave God behind, when really he should be the one in front leading us. But it can be done. I encourage you to discipline yourself into a daily routine of talking to the Lord, it doesn’t matter where you are or what time of day it is, just make it happen. It’s a constant struggle for me, it’s hard at night to put your phone down and open the bible but I pray that you build that relationship with the Lord and grow with him daily. It makes life so much less stressful to have someone to rely on, and after all He wants you to cast all your worries upon him. So I challenge you to make God the most important thing in your life by spending time with himJ

Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Katelynn!

 Here a link to the song if you want to take a listen! J

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