Learn a little about Katelynn

I'm a sinner just trying to be His light! I love Jesus & I'm addicted to grace! Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.
xoxoxox Katelynn

Monday, August 26, 2013

Are you Satans volunteer?

          Words. Words surround you daily. Words are spoken, written and even thought. Words can be devastating, tearing you down until you feel no longer worthy. Words can be uplifting, give you this sense of confidence that makes you feel like you are flying. Words can hurt or words can heal, the choice is yours.

         Who’s words define you? Who do you let tell you what your worth? Are you letting the negativity of this world define who you are in Christ? Are you letting other peoples words consume your mind like a broken record, repeating them over and over and over? Eventually replacing the joy the Lord has given you?  
If any of this sound familiar ask yourself this question….Do I want others peoples words to define who I am in Christ? When is enough, enough? Stop it now. Remove these people from your life and make a change to better yourself and your relationship with Christ. 
       Satan wants you to spend your time thinking about all these hurtful words and pointless battles. He’s using these things to distract you from your ultimate goal of glorifying God. If you don’t stop this now you are allowing Satan to control you, your thoughts and your actions.  You become a volunteer.

        My purpose is to be Gods little light, and I’m not letting Satan get in the way. Will it be hard? Yes. Could it be lonely? Yes. But will it be worth it in the end? ABSOLUTELY!  I picture myself standing before the Lord, Him and I alone….no one else, not my mom, bestfriend or boyfriend. At that point NO ONE else will matter, ultimately it will come down to my life and the way I chose to live it.

          Are other people and Satan’s distractions worth sacrificing eternity in heaven with The King of Kings….? I’ll let you decide


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