Learn a little about Katelynn

I'm a sinner just trying to be His light! I love Jesus & I'm addicted to grace! Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.
xoxoxox Katelynn

Monday, January 6, 2014

Obsession at its finest

Have you ever been obsessed with anything? Don't lie. We all have, we all know that feeling.
That feeling of constantly thinking or even subconsciously thinking about someone, maybe even something. The desire you have inside to want to learn more, talk more, look more is the feeling of obsession.

Now take that feeling and try to grasp the fact that, that is the way God feels about YOU. HE IS SO OBSESSED WITH YOU, and wants so desperately to hold you when you are hurting, to give you a high five when you are happy and to be the one you come to in every situation.
Why? Because he loves you that much. He loves you, a sinner that fails daily and even hourly, yet he is still obsessed because His love is that strong, that powerful and that forgiving!!
That is such a crazy thought, my mind is blown! I don’t know about you, but that concept is a hard one to grasp, not because I have any doubt but because I am so undeserving. It’s hard for me someone who is a sinner to grasp the fact that someone so undeniably perfect would want me, and would want to love me, even when I make mistakes!  But God does want me, God loves me so much and I have to remind myself daily to take that opportunity and run with it!!! Don’t waste your time feeling like you aren’t good enough because with Christ on your side you are worth more than anything in the world could buy! Talk to the Lord and ask for forgiveness when you fail and spend the rest of your time doing things that will further His kingdom J

This reminds me of the story about the lost sheep that Jesus tells in Luke 15.
The Story of the Lost Sheep
15 1-3 By this time a lot of men and women of doubtful reputation were hanging around Jesus, listening intently. The Pharisees and religion scholars were not pleased, not at all pleased. They growled, “He takes in sinners and eats meals with them, treating them like old friends.” Their grumbling triggered this story.
4-7 “Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one. Wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until you found it? When found, you can be sure you would put it across your shoulders, rejoicing, and when you got home call in your friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Celebrate with me! I’ve found my lost sheep!’ Count on it—there’s more joy in heaven over one sinner’s rescued life than over ninety-nine good people in no need of rescue.



1 comment:

  1. Love your post. This is so true and reminds me of a devotional I read in Wife After God about how God actively pursues us each and every day. I love the thought of the Lord wooing us everyday with his beauty. She even talks about how he wrote us "poetry" in the Bible, and paints beautiful things all around us so that we can see how passionately he seeks us, and wants us to love him because he sure is crazy about us!
