Learn a little about Katelynn

I'm a sinner just trying to be His light! I love Jesus & I'm addicted to grace! Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.
xoxoxox Katelynn

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My MESS into a MESSAGE....

 “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

In this messy world we become this big mess. Kinda like your necklaces, ladies you know what I’m talking about! Multiple chains get wrapped in a ball, all twisted and kinked. You spend hours and hours attempting to fix this mess without breaking the chains. You ask yourself, “How did this even happen? I never intended for this!” It happened over time. Over time careless actions and improper care have made this mess, and you are stuck fixing it!
This is a mess that happens in our Christian lives, over time we let things stack up. Problems from the past get put aside and the next thing you know all your problems become connected and now you have a mess. This creates one big mess to be exact because now instead of having to fix one, you have multiple. They are all connected and require time; time to take apart these knots and carefully remove. This so called mess we have can be referred to as life.  Life can be messy and I don’t know about you but..I don’t like cleaning up a mess by myself and you don’t have to. These problems we have in life can be simplified with the help of our Lord. 
In 1 Peter 5:7 it says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Now isn’t that nice :) haha no but really we are suppose to turn our mess to the Lord and rely on him as our backbone! That’s pretty awesome if you ask me! But don’t let your mess bundle up, take care of the problems one at a time…we don’t want to worry about broken chains!!

xoxoxox Katelynn <3

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Relationship with Christ as the Focal Point!

Relationships are: complicated, fun, dramatic, goofy and even stressful. Boys are like unending puzzles and most people are always missing that last puzzle piece. Girls search and search for that “perfect guy.” Along the way people sacrifice one of Gods most precious gifts. Couples build relationships on false foundations like; physical attraction, popularity and common interest such as partying! The relationship ends in heartbreak and then you’re left confused and hurt. You have this sick empty feeling in your stomach like someone just punched you and all you want to do is sleep and be alone. Not all relationships are bad and not all end in heartbreak, butthe majority of people that date just to date, experience heartbreak time after time. That last puzzle piece is actually the most important piece in the entire puzzle. It gives you a sense of completion and fullness. It finally makes you feel like you can overcome anything. That last puzzle piece is God.

All relationships should start on a firm unshakeable foundation. God is that platform. As a couple you should discuss you spiritual relationship with Christ and encourage one another to grow each and every day! I know you are thinking…”Say what? No way we’re too young and that’s awkward!” But the truth is having a relationship with God as the focal point makes relationships a tad bit less stressful! (THERE WILL STILL BE STRESS but this gives you a firm foundation) I encourage you to discuss your boundaries and hold each other to them. It’s easy…SAID NO ONE EVER! It’s not easy but it is possible! Pray together, pray for each other and spend time in the word together! These things will make you a powerhouse couple! 

I speak from experience. I have been dating my boyfriend for over 2 years and we started out our relationship on a foundation with Christ. It has made us so much stronger! It can be done!:) Our relationships not perfect, and there is stress but that’s true for anyone! My boyfriend pushes me to grow and I couldn’t be more grateful! 

When you find the right guy don’t make God that last puzzle piece!!! MAKE HIM FIRST!:)  And single ladies…DON’T SETTLE!

Xoxoxox Katelynn!
P.S….sorry it’s been so long!