Learn a little about Katelynn

I'm a sinner just trying to be His light! I love Jesus & I'm addicted to grace! Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.
xoxoxox Katelynn

Monday, March 4, 2013

Something that will last forever.

We live in a world where people spend hours, days, months and even years preparing themselves for a particular even. Things such as; sporting events, parties, work presentation and many more. All these things require preparation, which requires time. People spend all this time practicing and prepping themselves to perform this event to the best of their ability but the event only last a day, a few minute or even seconds. When it’s all said and done we (humans) spend more time preparing than we actually do participating. It’s crazy to think that we are willing to spend so much time doing things for ourselves, yet when it comes to others or even God 30 minutes is a HUGE sacrifice.

God loves us and wants to be a part of our daily lives. He wants us to update him, just like our best friends he wants to hear from you and know how you’re doing! God offers us eternity not something that last days, months or years, but something that actually last FOREVER. But it requires a relationship with Him, we can’t get to caught up in our own busy lives trying to accomplish the things we want to achieve and let God be our cheerleader. He wants to be the head coach, leading you, guiding you and always supporting you. So don’t get to caught up in what this world has to offer, take some one on one time with God and make sure you’re living your life according to his will.

What’s the point of you being on this earth if you don’t accomplish something that’s going to last forever? Like a relationship with your Heavenly Father. What’s the point in spending all your time accomplishing worldly achievements that won’t matter in the end? Why don’t we take the time we have on this earth to make an impact and work towards something that will last forever.


Random fact about me, I LOVE NATURE and I love taking pictures! :)

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